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Winfield Plant Nutrition Product Guide

Posted by Colin Gill on

Primary use Key:
T = Turf
O = Ornamental
P = Pest
A = Aquatic
VM = Vegetation Management


Gravity L

T, O Micronutrient fertilizer 5-0-0 with 0.5% Mg, 0.02% B, 0.05% Cu, 4% Fe, 0.75% Mn, 0.0025% Mo, 0.5% Zn. Contains Max-In technology toenhance droplet spreading on the leaf and uptake into the plant, which maximizes nutrient efficiency. Designed to provide a full micronutrient spectrum 2-6 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity L 12-0-0 T, O Quick Green Up 12-0-0 with 5% Fe and 1% Mn. Contains Max-In technologyto enhance droplet spreading on the leaf and uptake into the plant, which maximizes nutrient efficiency. Urea and iron sulfate provide a rapid green up. 2-16 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity L 12-0-12 T, O Balanced Fertility 12-0-12 with 25% slow release nitrogen, 0.5% Fe, 0.4% Mn,and fertilizer enhancement technology. Contains Max-In technology to enhance droplet spreading on the leaf and uptake into the plant, which maximizes nutrient efficiency 6-32 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity L
T, O Maintenance Fertilizer 18-0-6 with 50% slow release nitrogen, 0.5% Fe and 0.2% Mn. Contains Max-In technology to enhance dropletspreading on the leaf and uptake into the plant, which maximizes nutrient efficiency. 4-32 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity L
T, O Longterm Nitrogen Source 28-0-0 with 60% slow release nitrogen. Contains Max-In technology to enhance droplet spreading on the leaf and uptake into the plant, which maximizes nutrient efficiency. 3-32 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity L Kelp Plus T, O Plant health promotion Contains sea kelp and 1% humic acid to promote healthy plant growth. 2-4 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity L Amp 8-27-2 T, O Plant Root Stimulation 8-27-2 with 3% seaweed and other vitamins, amino acids 3-10 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity L
T, O High Potassium 8-27-2 with 3% seaweed and other vitamins, amino acids and stimulants. Effective at stimulating plant roots and establishment of plants from seed or cuttings 2-12 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity L Humic Base T, O Enhanced Soil Nutrient
0-0-30 3-4 fl oz/ 1000 sq ft
Gravity L 38 Special T, O Phosphite 0-0-1 with 0.25% Cu, 0.1% Fe, 0.05% Mn, 0.05% Zn, 8% Humic acid, and 2% Kelp. 0.37-1.47 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity SL PGS T, O Plant Growth Stimulant 5-0-15 with 5.64 lbs of Phosphite per gal. Contains amino acids and surfactants to improve solubility with other nutrients. 0.1-0.2 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Max-in Boron T, O Boron Fertilizer 0.09% Cytokinin, 0.03% Gibberellic Acid, 0.045% Indole-3-butyric Acid (IBA). Proven to enhance rooting and plant establishment while not significantly increasing top growth 0.25-2 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Max-In Calcium T, O Calcium Fertilizer 8% Boron 1-3 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Max-In Copper T, O Copper Fertilizer 10% Calcium 0.25-2 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Max-In Magnesium T, O Magnesium Fertilizer 5% Copper 1-3 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Max-In Sulfur T, O Sulfur Fertilizer 6-0-0 with 5% Magnesium 0.25-2 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Max-In Manganese T, O Manganese Fertilizer 0-0-19 with 13% Sulfur 1-3 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Max-In ZMB T, O Zinc Fertilizer 5% Manganese 1-3 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Iron Up T, O EDDHA Chelate Iron 0.1% B, 3% Mn, 4% Zn 0.25-2 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Ultra-Che Iron T, O EDTA Chelate Iron 6% EDDHA Iron 0.25-2 fl oz/1000 sq ft
ProCu O Copper Pentrahydrate 2-0-0 with 4.5% EDTA Iron 5-8 oz/100 gal
Gravity S
T, O Transplant Formula 5.1% Copper, 19.8% Copper sulfate pentahydrate 2-8 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Gravity S
T, O Hi-Cal Formula 13-2-13 (0.83% Ammoniacal, 12.17% Nitrate), 6% Ca, 3% Mg, 0.002% B, 0.05% Cu, 0.05% Fe, 0.03% Mn, 0.03% Zn 16-32 fl oz/100 gal
Gravity S
T, O Cal-Mag Formula 15-0-15 (2.5% Urea, 12.5% Nitrate), 10% Ca, 0.02% B,0.05% Cu, 0.1% Fe, 0.05% Mn, 0.05% Zn 1-3 lbs/1000 sq ft
Gravity S
T, O Cool Weather Formula 17-5-17 (5% Ammoniacal, 12% Nitrate), 3% Ca, 1% Mg, 0.02% B, 0.05% Cu, 0.1% Fe, 0.05% Mn, 0.05% Zn 1-3 lbs/1000 sq ft
Gravity S
T, O General Purpose Formula 20-10-20 (12% Nitrate, 8% Ammoniacal), 0.14% Mg, 0.01% B, 0.01% Cu, 0.05% Fe, 0.02% Mn, 0.02% Zn 1-3 lbs/1000 sq ft
Gravity S
T, O Plant Special Formula 26-8-16 (18.2% Urea, 5.6% Nitrate, 2.2% Ammoniacal),0.02% B, 0.02% Cu, 0.25% Fe, 0.05% Mn, 0.005% Mo, 0.05% Zn, 1.2% Sea Kelp 1-3 lbs/1000 sq ft
Gravity S
T, O Plant Special No-Phos Formula 34-0-12 (30.25% Urea, 3.75% Nitrate), 0.07% Mg, 0.01% B, 0.01% Cu, 0.3% Fe, 0.09% Mn, 0.02% Zn,1.2% Sea Kelp 1-4 lbs/1000 sq ft
Gravity S Mikropak T, O Micronutrient Formula 2.8% Mg, 3.6% S, 10% Fe, 4% Mn, 1% Zn 2.5-5 lbs/ac
Gravity S MikroChe T, O Micronutrient Formula 4% EDTA Mg, 0.2% B, 0.2% EDTA Cu, 4% EDTA Fe, 0.2% EDTA Mo, 4% EDTA Mn, 1% EDTA Z 1-5 lbs/ac