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Garlon XRT Herbicide

Regular price $329.75 Regular price

Clear out woody plant species and broadleaf weeds with Forestry Garlon XRT Herbicide, the most concentrated herbicidal formulation on the market. Rainfast for two hours, this highly potent herbicide kills a variety of weeds in targeted areas such as forests and nonirrigation ditch banks. Though it has a concentrated formula, it doesn't harm desirable grasses and has a low odor, making it the ideal choice for chemical applications on public and private lands.

Features and Specifications

Active Ingredient(s) 83.9% triclopyr butoxyethyl ester
Weed Killer 55 woody plants and more than 25 tough-to-control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in noncrop areas - High-anxiety woody species - Cherry, loblolly pine, mesquite, red oak, sweetgum and Scotch broom - Problem vegetation - alder, ash, birch, blackberry, ceanothus, chinquapin, clover, dandelion, dogwood, elm, kudzu, maple, oak, poison ivy, ragweed, wild violet, and other brush and broadleaf weeds
Sale Prohibited CA, MA, NY, UT, VT, WA
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EPA Registration 62719-553

How Forestry Garlon XRT Herbicide Works

Forestry Garlon XRT Herbicide contains a higher percentage of triclopyr than the leading herbicide. In fact, it has 6.3 pounds of triclopyr per concentrate gallon compared to 4 pounds in original Forestry Garlon 4. Because Garlon XRT contains more triclopyr, it's possible to target more weed species while reducing container storage and disposal issues.

Triclopyr mimics plant hormones and interferes with cellular growth. As a result, the plant cannot grow and eventually dies. The active ingredient works in pre- and postemergence applications and provides residual control for longer than other herbicides of the same type.

Where to Use Forestry Garlon XRT Herbicide

Forestry Garlon XRT herbicide excels at clearing woody plants and broadleaf weeds from roadsides. It's ideal for flatwoods brush management programs and for use in forested areas. Use Forestry Garlon XRT to clear brush from wildlife openings and industrial sites. Its active ingredient makes this herbicide perfect for side-trim applications along forests. Though Garlon XRT works well in wildlife habitats, keep it out of wetlands and anywhere near the edge of bodies of water. It's highly toxic to fish and will contaminate groundwater.

Target Weeds

The triclopyr in Garlon XRT Herbicide targets dozens of weeds and woody plants such as ash, birch and locust. It also kills and controls poison oak, sumac and wild rose. Other targeted weeds include:

  • Aspen
  • Birch
  • Dogwood
  • Maple
  • Red oak
  • Sweetgum
  • Witch hazel

Apply Garlon XRT Herbicide to actively growing trees before they turn colors in the fall. Apply it to postemergent weeds before they flower.

Eradicate Weeds on Target With Garlon XRT Herbicide

With Forestry Garlon XRT herbicide, it's possible to keep roadsides and forestry borders clear of weeds after one application. It contains a high concentration of triclopyr for the maximum results and targets numerous woody plants from ash to willow. It has a rainfast formulation and minimizes container storage and handling. When weeds grow out of control, eliminate them on sight with high-performance Forestry Garlon XRT herbicide.