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Ranger Pro Herbicide

Regular price $62.50 Regular price

Those looking for a less expensive alternative to Roundup Pro can find it in Ranger Pro herbicide. This is a generic form of the popular Roundup Pro but delivers the same effectiveness without the high cost. It controls and suppresses a variety of weeds and brush and can be used in many different settings, from residential areas to parks and commercial landscapes.

Features and Specifications

Active Ingredient(s) Glyphosate-isopropylammonium 41%
Weed Killer Annual and Perennial weeds and Brush
Sale Prohibited CA, WA
Shipping Rate Free
UPC 070183064922
EPA Registration 524-517

How Ranger Pro Works

Ranger herbicide contains the same active ingredient as Roundup Pro: glyphosate. In fact, it contains 41 percent of this ingredient for fast and effective weed-killing results. It's a water-soluble herbicide with an included surfactant, making it more cost efficient and able to move through the plant to kill it from the point of contact to the roots.

This herbicide doesn't stay around for a long time or pose a threat to the environment. It breaks down in the soil and becomes ineffective, so there's no worry about it spreading to nearby plants and killing beneficial grasses, flowers or shrubs.

Where to Use Ranger Herbicide

Ranger weed killer is labeled for use on most any noncrop site where weeds threaten beneficial plant growth. It can be used in forestry sites, home lawns and recreational areas such as parks. It's also effective on cut stumps and other woody brush. Some common areas for use include:

  • Roadsides
  • Fencerows
  • Driveways
  • Ornamentals
  • Turfgrass
  • Sports complexes

Ranger herbicide is also a good product for controlling weeds on Christmas tree farms, plant nurseries and sod farms.

Target Weeds

With Ranger Pro, it's easy to control and suppress various weeds and brush, from volunteer corn to velvetleaf. When used as directed, it's just as effective as Roundup Pro with identical application ratios. It can be applied with rope and wick applicators, as well as panel applicators and pressure-feed systems.

Use this weed killer to control and suppress the following weeds and more:

  • Common rye
  • Sicklepod
  • Dogfennel
  • Milkweed
  • Thistle (milk and Canada)
  • Ragweed
  • Pigweed

Apply this herbicide to weeds using the appropriate application methods for the target area, such as ground broadcast equipment, injection systems or CDA equipment.

Benefits of Using Ranger Pro

One of the main benefits of Ranger Pro weed killer is the cost. Because it competes with and provides the same effectiveness as Roundup Pro, there's no reason to pay more for the same results. It contains a high percentage of glyphosate, so it's providing maximum weed-killing action with every application. Other benefits of using Ranger include:

  • Additional surfactant for greater effectiveness
  • Breaks down naturally in the soil
  • Provides broad-spectrum weed control
  • Has a non-selective formula
  • Can be used in a variety of noncrop sites

Ranger Pro Herbicide: An Effective Weed Killer

When it comes to getting rid of weeds without breaking the bank, Ranger Pro herbicide delivers the goods. It's formulated with a surfactant, so there's no need to spend extra money to receive quality results. Because it contains glyphosate, the target weeds don't stand a chance and are controlled and suppressed at the moment of application.