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Roundup PRO Concentrate Weed Control Herbicide

Regular price $73.95 Regular price

With its concentrated formula, Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide goes right to the source and kills broadleaf weeds and grasses on lawns, forestry sites and other target areas. It has a surfactant built into the formula, giving you more time to spray and less time mixing and rinsing containers. This efficient weed killer works for pre- and postemergence on industrial and ornamental turf and provides both systemic and residual activity. For maximum weed control in various settings, Roundup Pro Concentrate does it all.

Features and Specifications

Active Ingredient(s) Glyphosate 50.02%
Weed Killer Annual Weeds, Perennial Weeds, Corn Volunteer, Panicum Texas, Rye common, Shattercane, Sicklepod, Spanish needles, Starbur bristly
Sale Prohibited AK, CA, HI, WA, NJ, Wis
Shipping Rate Free
UPC 070183295449
EPA Registration 524-529

How Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide Works

Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide uses glyphosate to kill many annual and perennial weeds, woody brush and trees. It comes in a water-soluble concentrate with an added surfactant for greater coverage and wetting on the target weeds. The active ingredient's mode of action inhibits a plant-only enzyme that helps with amino acid synthesis. The weeds then begin to curl over and die after the application. In addition, Roundup Pro Concentrate is rain-fast within an hour, meaning it doesn't wash away in heavy rainfall.

Where to Use Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide

Use Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide on forestry and industrial sites to target weeds in grassy areas. It's useful for killing weeds around apartment complexes, lumberyards, recreational areas, plant nurseries and pastures. You can use it to kill broadleaf weeds on residential lawns, rights of way and roadsides. Other prime target areas include:

  • Petroleum tank farms
  • Schools
  • Sport complexes
  • Sod farms
  • Warehouse perimeters
  • Wildlife management sites

Target Weeds

You can apply Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide as a hollow stem injection, a broadcast application, a spray or a tree injection. It kills poison hemlock, hogweed, knotweed and Canada thistle with extreme success. It targets invasive grasses on ornamental and Christmas tree plantations, such as Bahia grass, Johnsongrass and tall fescue. Apply this beneficial herbicide to control:

  • Barnyardgrass
  • Cheatgrass
  • Dwarf dandelion
  • Fleabane
  • Groundsel
  • Henbit
  • London rocket
  • Pigweed
  • Ragweed
  • Smartweed
  • Teaweed
  • Velvetleaf
  • Wooly cupgrass

Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide Features and Benefits

  • Targets a variety of woody plants, grasses and broadleaf weeds
  • Uses glyphosate to target and kill undesirable vegetation
  • Rain-fast in as little as an hour
  • Includes a surfactant for improved wetting

Tips for Use

  • Only use in noncrop sites to prevent contaminating and killing edible crops.
  • Use with a compatible tank mixture to increase broad-spectrum control.
  • Always use a higher rate in cases of heavier weed growth.

Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide Targets Damaging Weeds

Weeds do more than create unsightly yards; they also steal nutrients from new seedlings and established plants. With Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide, you can eradicate weeds from residential lawns and other noncrop areas. It contains glyphosate for immediate control and a surfactant for better coverage and efficiency. If you want your surfactant and herbicide all in one product, go with Roundup Pro Concentrate.