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SpeedZone EW Broadleaf Weed Killer Herbicide

Regular price $105.25 Regular price

Knock down weeds where they stand with SpeedZone Weed Killer Concentrate Herbicide. Perfect for both cool- and warm-season grasses, it contains three active ingredients to kill the most stubborn weeds in turf. With one application, SpeedZone shows visible results on the weeds within hours and eliminates the plants between seven and 14 days.

Features and Specifications

Active Ingredient(s) 2,4-D 2-ethylhexyl ester - 25.86% Carefentrazone-ethyl - 0.57% Mecoprop-p Acid - 6.84% Dicamba Acid - 1.91%
Weed Killer 100 different Broad-leaf Weeds: Wild Violet, Clover, Garlic, Spurge, Plantain, Chickweed, Poison Oak and Ivy
Sale Prohibited CA, HI, PR MA, ME, LA, NJ, NM, TX, WA (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only)
Shipping Rate Free
UPC 070251658763
EPA Registration 2217-1053

How SpeedZone EW Broadleaf Weed Killer Herbicide Works

SpeedZone EW Broadleaf Herbicide contains carfentrazone-ethyl, mecoprop-p and 2,4-D as the active ingredients. Separately, these chemical compounds do a good job of treating weed-infested lawns. Together, they work twice as fast and target more than 100 broadleaf weed species. SpeedZone EW goes to work within hours after it's applied and completely knocks down the weeds in less than two weeks.

Where to Use SpeedZone EW Broadleaf Weed Killer Herbicide

Use SpeedZone EW lawn weed killer concentrate herbicide on residential and commercial turf. It not only works well on established lawns but also on noncrop lands such as rights of way, roadsides and medians. It's labeled for use on both cool- and warm-season grasses and works great to keep weeds off:

  • Colonial bentgrass
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Perennial ryegrass
  • Tall fescue

Target Lawn Weeds

SpeedZone EW lawn weed killer concentrate herbicide treats more than 100 weed species ranging from chickweed to poison oak. Use it to kill stubborn broadleaf weeds such as spurge, wild garlic and clover. Refer to the label for a more complete list.

Kill Turf Weeds With SpeedZone EW Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate Herbicide

When SpeedZone EW lawn weed killer concentrate herbicide contacts the weeds, the active ingredients penetrate the plants. Visible results such as cupping and discoloration occur within hours as the ingredients continue to kill the plants for more than a week. It's applied as a foliar spray, safe for use on residential lawns and targets the most troublesome broadleaf weeds on Kentucky bluegrass and other turf.