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Tenacity Weed Control Herbicide

Regular price $62.00 Regular price

Target weeds on contact with Tenacity herbicide. Tenacity Herbicide not only suppresses weed growth after the initial application but also provides residual control for weeks. Use Tenacity herbicide as a systemic pre- and postemergent solution for targeting selective weeds in turfgrass throughout residential, commercial and recreational areas. It controls broadleaf weeds and grasses in established lawns and also works to prevent weed growth on newly seeded turf.

Features and Specifications

Active Ingredient(s) Mesotrione-40%
Weed Killer Barnyardgrass, Carpetweed, Chickweed, Clover, Crabgrass (large & smooth), Dandelion, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Henbit, Nutsedge, Purslane, Thistle, Wild Carrot
Sale Prohibited CA, AK, HI
Shipping Rate Free
EPA Registration 100-1267

How Tenacity Herbicide Works

Tenacity is in short supply. I am selling on average 880 ounces a day. My current supply is expected to run out on 8-17-19 My new supply will be delivered on 8-18-19 with an expected price increase of 8 dollars per bottle. Tenacity Herbicide contains mesotrione, a chemical that prevents the weed from making carotenoid, which protects the chlorophyll from sunlight degradation. Once applied, the mesotrione penetrates the weed through foliar contact and inhibits the carotenoids from protecting the chlorophyll. Soon after, the weed turns white and dies due to chlorophyll loss. Though Tenacity starts to work on contact, it can take up to three weeks for the weed to die.

Tenacity Herbicide Target Weeds

Tenacity Herbicide contains a unique formula for targeting and controlling weeds in cool- and warm-season turfgrasses. It controls both pre- and postemergent broadleaf grasses and weeds and doesn't harm newly seeded turf. Other target weeds include:

  • Thistle
  • Barnyard grass
  • Carpetweed
  • Dandelion
  • Nutsedge
  • Chickweed
  • Crabgrass
  • Foxtail
  • Goosegrass
  • Henbit
  • Clover
  • Purslane
  • Wild carrot

Tenacity herbicide also controls bentgrass in Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue turf. It's also safe to use at seeding to prevent weed germination. Tenacity does not provide effective results on common bermudagrass, seashore paspalum or zoysiagrass.

Tenacity Herbicide Features and Benefits

  • A selective, systemic herbicide for use on warm- and cool-season grasses
  • Inhibits photosynthesis on contact
  • For use on numerous broadleaf weeds and grasses
  • Kills weeds in residential lawns, athletic fields, golf courses and commercial landscapes
  • Rainfast within several hours after application

Tenacity Herbicide Provides Effective Weed Control

Use Tenacity herbicide to control selective weeds on turfgrass at home, on the golf course or throughout athletic fields. It starts to work on contact, disrupting photosynthesis and preventing the weed from developing. For postemergence applications, combine Tenacity with a nonionic surfactant to increase the herbicide's effectiveness. When weeds pop up in your lawn or on the golf course, remove the unsightly problem with Tenacity selective herbicide.