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TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide

Regular price $36.90 Regular price

Target around 100 different weed species with TZone SE broadleaf herbicide. Whether it's home lawns or recreational areas like golf courses, this weed killer provides fast visual response and works in both cool- and warm-season grasses. Its powerful active ingredients eliminate hard-to-control weeds such as wild violet and ground ivy. For fast results every time, turn to TZone herbicide for broadleaf weeds.

Features and Specifications

Active Ingredient(s) 2,4-D, 2-ethylhexyl ester 29.32% Dicamba 2.22% Sulfentrazone 0.66% Triclopyr, butoxyethyl ester 7.72%
Weed Killer Wild violet, Ground ivy, Black medic, Clover, Oxalis, Spurge, Yellow Nutsedge (suppression), Aster, Bindweed, Chickweed, Catnip, Dandelion, Dock, Dogfennel, Ground Ivy, Hawkweed, Henbit, Matchweed, Pigweed, Poison Ivy and others. For use in Bluegrass- Kentucky and anual, Fescue- Tall, Red, and fine leaf, Ryegrass- annual and perennial
Sale Prohibited AK, CA, PR, LA, MA, ME, NJ, NM, NY, TX, VT, WA
Shipping Rate Free
UPC 070251836765
EPA Registration 2217-976

How TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide Works

TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide combines several active ingredients in one formula to provide effective results on tough weeds. In fact, it's one of few broadleaf herbicides to combine triclopyr and 2,4-D in one product. These ingredients restrict cellular growth in the plants and start to work almost immediately upon application. The ingredients work in temperatures as low as 50 degrees and as high as 85; it's also rainfast in only three hours. Thanks to triclopyr, TZone is a must-have for professionals who want to combat the toughest weeds on lawns and ornamental turf.

Where to Use TZone SE Herbicide

TZone SE is formulated to work on most sites where weeds infest and take over the landscape. It's ideal for use on ornamental turf such as parks and cemeteries as well as institutional sites like schools and hospitals. It kills dandelions, henbit and other common weeds on residential turfgrass, such as around homes and condos. Other common turf areas for use include:

  • Nursing homes
  • Apartment complexes
  • Fairgrounds
  • Athletic fields
  • Farmyards
  • Rights-of-way
  • Airports

It's safe to use TZone SE on most any noncrop site, including agricultural sites such as commercial sod farms.

TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide Target Pests

TZone SE targets around 100 or more broadleaf weed species on residential, commercial and recreational areas. It works on cool-season turf such as Kentucky bluegrass and warm-season turf such as bermudagrass and bahiagrass. It effectively kills and controls the weeds without harming the turf when used as directed. Some of the most common weeds that this herbicide controls include:

  • Creeping beggarweed
  • Chickweed
  • Dandelion
  • English daisy
  • Ground ivy
  • Nettle
  • Plantain
  • Spurge
  • White clover

Benefits of Using TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide

  • Kills and controls more than 100 broadleaf weeds
  • Works in a wide range of temperatures
  • Safe to use on cool- and warm-season grasses
  • Contains four ingredients for maximum weed control
  • Has a reduced odor for low-key applications

Tips for Using TZone SE Herbicide

  • Delay spraying on grass seedlings until the third mowing.
  • Avoid spraying immediately before rainfall or irrigation.
  • Apply to young, actively growing weeds for the best results.
  • Use in spring and fall when soil conditions are optimal.

TZone SE Kills Broadleaf Weeds Fast

TZone SE kills weeds in as little as seven to 14 days. It provides quick results, showing visible injury to the weeds within hours of an application. It's rainfast in just three hours and is tough on the most resistant broadleaf weeds on home lawns, commercial landscapes, golf courses and more. Whether it's an overgrown clover patch or dandelions popping up all over the place, TZone herbicide for broadleaf weeds contains the right ingredients to make short work of unwanted weeds in the target area.