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Nothing is more aggravating than flies buzzing around your head while you eat or do anything remotely enjoyable. Flies are nature's garbage disposals, breaking down and consuming decaying matter. Although they're considered nuisance pests, they serve a beneficial purpose in nature. Unfortunately, they're not welcome in homes and can quickly multiply out of control if you don't take immediate action.

Why are Flies a Problem?

Flies aren't known to cause damage to homes or businesses. They don't chew through wood like termites do, and they don't transmit viral diseases by sucking your blood like a mosquito. However, they cause problems of their own as they fly indoors and land on your food while you eat or prepare your meal. Houseflies and other species invade garbage bins, litter boxes and sink drains and become contaminated with particulates. They also vomit each time they land on your food. Because a fly doesn't have chewing mouthparts, it throws up enzymes that dissolve the food, which makes it easier for the pest to suck up the liquid with its proboscis.

How to Identify Flies

So many different fly species exist in the world, and many of them invade homes on a regular basis. Some of the common flies include:

  • Blowflies
  • Cluster flies
  • Fungus gnats
  • Houseflies

Blowflies have a greenish-blue color and are often seen outdoors around garbage bins. Fungus gnats are tiny, have red eyes and hang out near sink drains and trash. Cluster flies have a black and tan appearance with vertical banding along their bodies; they infest homes during the fall when the weather turns cooler. Houseflies are black with brownish-orange eyes and two large, clear wings.

Pest Control for Flies

Fly species aren't very resistant to pesticides and are controlled easily with various contact and residual sprays. They also fall for glue traps and insect monitors as they land and become stuck in place. An aerosol insecticide comes with a straw applicator for accurately targeting the pests while the chemical ingredient works quickly to knock them out of the air. Some effective pesticides for killing common flies include:

  • Astro insecticide
  • Catchmaster 288i insect and spider traps
  • CB-80 insecticide spray
  • Delta waterproof dust
  • P.I. contact insecticide
  • PT Alpine pressurized fly bait insecticide

Potent Fly Control for Nuisance Pests

Flies may not pose a serious health threat to people, but their erratic behavior makes them a nuisance whenever they're around. They're quick to fly through an open door or a window and will seek the first garbage bin in their sight. Because they lay eggs in cat litter, sink drains and trash cans, it's important to prevent flies from entering an interior. If preventative action doesn't help, the fly control products here at Pedchem will eliminate these nuisance pests and stop an infestation in its tracks.

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